Legacy Projects

I very rarely take my older video projects down. Filmmaking is a craft, and like all crafts you only get better by learning one project at a time. I’m a firm believer in saving all of my work so I can track how I’ve grown and developed throughout the years (and also see how my storytelling style is very much the same as it was a dozen years ago!)

So without further ado:

Operation: Endgame (2013) | Written and Directed by by Ryan Hall (16)
High school film project with my friends, and my first venture into long-form narrative storytelling.

Blackbeard: Menace of the Caribbean (2012) | Written and Animated by Ryan Hall (16)
Part of a series of stop-motion films as assignments for my high school western civilization course.

Starfield and Nebulas (2022)

A practical in-camera special effect I wanted to try. The starfields are made out of paper towel dust and the nebulas are dyed condensed milk mixed with hydrogen peroxide.

Burnt Hot Dog Man (2020)

Animation exercise for a class I took just for fun during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kid’s Town | Нове Життя Діти (New Life Children)

I didn’t make these videos but this is one of the coolest things that has happened to me - a church in Ukraine did a shot-for-shot remake of some of the episodes of Josh and Beka I directed and edited, even matching the style of graphics. Hey, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!